West Africa has no shortage of long-simmered stews made with an dizzying variety of both cultivated and foraged greens.
Tag: Vegetables
Hakô Bantara
(Palestinian eggplant baked with tomatoes and chickpeas)
Musaqa’a is similar to French ratatouille. Though the pronunciation is the same, and both contain eggplant, this vegetarian dish is not the same as Greek moussaka.
Tortilla Española de Patata
(Spanish open-faced potato omelet)
Tortilla española, or tortilla de patata, is similar to an Italian frittata and is a favorite with Spaniards who serve it either as a tapa or for a simple Sunday meal.
Torta Pasqualina
(Italian Easter spinach, ricotta and egg torte)
Originally from the northwest coastal region of Liguria, this savory torte (torta salata) has become part of many Easter (pasqua) meal spreads throughout Italy.
Tian de Courgettes et de Tomates
(French Provencal summer squash and tomato gratin)
Originally, a tian meant a conical clay cooking vessel used in the southern Provence region of France. These days, tian more often describes a vegetable casserole.
This version makes good use of late summer’s abundance of zucchini and tomatoes. It couldn’t be simpler to make and is marvelously nourishing.
Tepsi Baytinijan
(Iraqi meatball and vegetable casserole)
Try some Iraqi comfort food! This deeply satisfying dish is made with layers of eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes and onions, countered by the toothsome texture of the meatballs.
Tahu dan Tempe Bumbu Rujak
(Indonesian tofu and tempeh in spicy coconut sauce)
This tasty vegetarian curry uses tempeh, a fermented soybean cake popular in Indonesian cuisine. The lemongrass, lime leaves and galangal are for seasoning and are not meant to be eaten.
Töltött Paprika
(Hungarian stuffed peppers)
The practice of stuffing vegetables actually originated with the Turks. But after years of domination by the Ottomans, Hungarians adopted töltött paprika as their own.
Töltött Káposzta
(Hungarian stuffed cabbage rolls over sauerkraut)
Cabbage leaves wrapped around a meaty filling and baked in a tomatoey sauce are a common dish on tables throughout Eastern Europe.
Sukuma Wiki
(East African greens simmered with tomatoes)
Sukuma wiki — Swahili for “stretch the week” — is a ubiquitous dish in East African. Nutritious and tasty, it is a way of “stretching” out kitchen resources.